

245 Karma

Be careful on the internet

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Joined 2 years ago
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s/hello · Posted by admin 2 years ago
Grumpy cat > Nyan cat (i.insider.com)
s/cats · Posted by admin 2 years ago
I'm back!
s/blogging · Posted by admin - daily life 2 years ago
admin 5 points

*ding* *ding*

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Hottest musician
s/random · Posted by admin 2 years ago
Cool 4chan sightseeing
s/blogging · Posted by admin - daily life 2 years ago
Relaxation and the future of humanity
s/blogging · Posted by admin - daily life 2 years ago
admin 3 points

Good meme

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admin 4 points

I agree with u XD, my opinion is that 4chan is now full of bots and npcs.

Though it's still cool to browse it from time to time (specially /sci/).

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admin 3 points

Tbh flying cars would be epic, if they didn't have any of the negatives

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admin - daily life 3 points

But people are already using Cicero... Either way, make sure to shill to your friends as well.

One thing that will definetly attract users is if there is interesting or quality content. Maybe bumping OC even stronger and allowing users to upload OCs directly might help.

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admin 4 points

I'll miss him

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admin 3 points

The video is really really good, but the way people might devalue the lessons from the videos could... well... lead to unintended misinformation.


If you don't think global warming is real, then I don't have much of an argument here, but if you do think it is an issue, then follow along:



Our World in Data


One of the points The Hated One criticizes is that Kurzgesagt keeps using the same source "World in Data" and he mentions their funding as being one of the issues.

Why would they use "World in Data" so often? Well, because it's a fucking great source(!) for many types of data and it is backed by one of the best universities worldwide (Oxford). Seriously, take a look at how many topics they cover, it is a super useful website.


Furthermore, if you look at their funding and partners, it's not just the Gates and Mellinda Foundation, but rather other foundations and individuals.



The need of innovation and let's discuss Gates' investments


I believe there is a reason as to why Kurzgesagt keeps their videos positive and scream "innovation", "invest in innovation" and "vote with your wallet": Promote the young generation to find and vote for solutions to world problems, because we are in one of the most decisives momments in human history (if you like videos: https://piped.kavin.rocks/channel/UCgqt1RE0k0MIr0LoyJRy2lg, if you prefer websites: https://www.futuretimeline.net/).


So, why do these innovations and Gates' investments go hand in hand? Because investing in the future is what billionares do to keep their money. Big money movers (blackrock, wef, bill and more) are "all in" these innovations, that's what they do, try to predict the market and get a huge cut from it in the future. Why is the market in this direction? Well, there wouldn't be much economic prosperity in capitalism collapse :3 (video: https://piped.kavin.rocks/watch?v=kVOTPAxrrP4, website: https://thehill.com/changing-america/sustainability/climate-change/563497-mit-predicted-society-would-collapse-by-2040/)/



Researchers/experts are funded by the Gates' Foundation


This one is a reasonable critique, in good faith, I believe these are just easy contacts for them in the field of these videos, but it is still pretty bad.


Itś very late, so I might have made mistakes while writting this.

Godspeed anons.

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admin 3 points


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admin 4 points

It's better than throwing away lolee!

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admin 4 points


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admin 4 points

Be happy!

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admin 2 points


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admin 2 points


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admin 2 points

Lole, chill brah

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admin - daily life 2 points

Flair test

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admin 2 points
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admin 2 points
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