Imagine the following hypothetical world:

Money is tied to an identity in the block chain, transactions of 10k+ Euros are public to everyone, while smaller transactions are anonymous.

Lastly, the identity blockchain prohibits having more than 50M+ Euros tied to it (cars, housing and other goods included), any extra asset is redistributed among wallets tied to the identity blockchain.

Loosely based on:



The world would be a much more fair place, power will inherently be distributed more fairly, but people would still be able to get rich.

When companies get too big, they would naturally start becoming public and less efficient (due to the blockchain redistributing wealth) allowing smaller companies to be competitors. It could also prevent them from becoming malicious.

Many might be able to quit their jobs, making the job market more scarce and probably raising people's salary.

50M+ Euros seems like enough to invest and live comfortably enough.

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Anonymous f6f746e1

> Money is tied to an identity in the block chain

> *Stops reading*

It's over, go home friend

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What's the issue?

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