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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

I mean if you bother to invest the time needed it might do you some good. So go for it if you are willing ot put down the work for it.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

there is no real one 😠

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

Moloch grindset.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

no u

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

Jungle music.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

yeah uh

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

now that is just rude >:(

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point TRIPS GET

my mom say I good boy, u no make fun of her >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>:((((((((((((((((((((

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

In this economy? That's a steal.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

oh, that's kind of you to say :D We good now.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

yeah, I could accept $1,025,99 but that extra 4,01 dollars is way too much. Just straight up greed smh.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

Me when I can't buy the golden freddy funko pop for the low price of $8.999.99 no more in the far off year of 2038.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

I tried pixel animation once, I managed to make a star wars at-at move after about 3 hours I think? Didn't look that good tbh.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

Mainchan if lurkers started posting.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

hmmmmm, I see a lot of moving, but not a lot of game. I think i'll return to my text based adventures now.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

Not as funny as the Dutch police AI making them more effective by becoming racist.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

I hope so too.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point


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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

Socioeconomic factors for sure

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

They asked for this.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

Bird up.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

Something ain't right with your school. I know personal at schools tend to do fuck all about solving these kind of things, but then again shit like this doen't happen often where I live.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

I have seized engaging with social media beyond sharing family photos and keeping contact with those abroad. I used to post a lot on Quora, but even if I got in contact with some few decent people the site just soured my view of the modern Internet. People are being actively dumbed down by all the restrictions in place, and anybody you want ot reach out to is drowned out by the spew of garbage that gets reposted and shared.

Hell even Cierco exemplifies this problem, sharing vidoes from channels like SeeThzeetach instead of something more obsucre and worthwhile of becoming front paged.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

If it means I will stop having to see it, then yeah it is.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

They don't call me master for nothing.

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