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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

Most guys would take just about anybody so long they had the right genitalia. I don't know, mabye femcels exist, but I rarely see women alone, and if they were femcels how would I even meet up with them in the first place?

Guys put themself out there all the time, it just dosen't seem anybody wants 'em. So that's why i'm always confused by these types of questions. Guys want to date, they just don't get the opportunity to do it with somebody.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

No shit, around albanians never relax. Something ain't right with them these days.

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SorbianSwitzerland 2 points

Is due to the drug trade mafia holding so much power over there.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point *

They still are working for a company that is actively making the Internet a worse, less private, and more censored place. I get not being mad at a postman for working in a shit company, or respecting the staff of a hotel. I can't though extend the same type of leniency to people who are on terms with FEDs on my shit list.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

wasn't the og r/teenagers full of adults and groomers?

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

Check soundcloud for stuff like it:

The guy that made the cover got doxxed, would post the full story, but is also in the description of the Youtube version, and the link for me dosen't work. So find it on your own.

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SorbianSwitzerland 2 points TRIPS GET *

You must never had siblings in order to like that type of trash. Incest is a real dealbreaker for me.

My own fav games aren't too obscure, it would either have to be really new or just appealing to a really specific fetish.

I guess my choice is not that unknown, is just few games about Slime Girls get proper translation work. So i'll just go with Nursery Slime

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point
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Albanian IQ
s/2balkan4you · Posted by SorbianSwitzerland 1 year ago
SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

I get stressed out by just being myself, having somebody else in the room grilling me for every minor flaw is pure torture. Privacy is a godsent above all else.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

I would pay far more to just have basic privacy, it sucks living with parents or anybody else who will get on your case for shit you wanna do. I don't feel at peace during the day or night, since all I do has to take in to consideration what others expect of me.

Can't talk with friends online, since i'm too loud. Can't make my own food, without having to consider their plans for the day. Can't even use certain rooms if they decide to occupy the space first.

If it weren't for your supposed age, I would say gtfo as early as possible. Is hell living with people who can't even leave one alone when you beg them. I often crash at somebody else place or just don't stay at home due to this shit.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

Again, who will buy if nobody is on the site to sell too? Even nsfw artist still use twitter, since it least it has a active userbase. We are too small for that.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point *

During vaccation only about 5 hours at most. Now with endless time to burn, it can be from when I wake up till I go to bed. So is hard to keep track. I think i'll call it early tonight, and try to workout at the gym or something tomorrow.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

The highlight of this day was making rice and getting complimented for it. I'm not jaded by watching garbage, i'm watching garbage due to being jaded.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point *

True, the only the reason the rest use the karma system is to avoid getting booted off the front page by a single deticated hater. If Cicero really wants people to use the site, he should incentivise posting and discussion above karma hoarding. Nobody has even enough karam the join the content creator program, and besides without a big userbase no original content will be created in the first place.

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The halo effect. (
s/blackpill · Posted by SorbianSwitzerland 1 year ago
SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

I should post the best video on that exakt thing.

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SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

Like a screen will keep your face from breaking the deal, lmao.

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