

556 Karma
Joined 1 year ago
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Quack 2 points

>but it's in 1.7.10

Why are all decent mods only available in 1.7.10 or 1.12.2? I want a decent nuclear explosion or gore mod but they are all outdated.

>Also I haven't played it in 3 years

Why not?

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Quack 2 points

Do you still play video games?

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Quack 1 point

I will tell you the IP when I come up with a name

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Quack 1 point


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Quack -4 points *

>it never gets better Mainbros

You fucked everything up as soon as you decided to go to a "psychiatrist".

Edit: Downvoted by a bunch of SSRI addicts. I did not mention therapy because talking your feelings out with people helps. But giving harmful medications such as SSRIs worsens things.

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Quack 2 points

He is not me. I am the original and only Quack.

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Quack 1 point

Reddit will most likely continue because of their loyal fanbase of soyboys.

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Quack 1 point


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Quack 1 point

Can you add a checkbox to manually preview the top comment for each post?

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Quack 2 points

Reddit in a nutshell

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Quack 1 point

I am the only based duck here(where is the duck emote)

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Quack 2 points

That would make the site more like Reddit and also would just remind Mainchan users about how miserable their lives are. I don't need a colored screen with a bunch of cartoons telling me that I scrolled the length of 69 football fields or whatever because it would make me feel depressed.

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Quack 1 point

What are some ideas for protests against things that are roughly our size?

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Quack 1 point

I would get depressed. I already feel a strange feeling of sadness when I look back to all the time that I wasted online.

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Quack 1 point


(sad duck noises)

(also someone is upvoting all of your posts and is expecting to be upvoted in return)

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Quack 1 point

I don't have enough money to pay for Minecraft Bedrock. I wish more users had Minecraft installed so that we could make a huge world based on Mainchan and talk about the game here.

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Quack 2 points

>if you dont include your self

what do you mean

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Quack 1 point

I can't seem to think of any hostile sites that have the same number of members as us. All of the other Reddit clones were created for the same reasons as Mainchan, so there would be little reason to be hostile towards them.

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Quack 1 point

We probably won't get one for a long time because this site will not have enough content to make a cool recap.

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Quack 2 points

>just because I made this post instead of a greentext doesn't mean that I won't make greentexts

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Quack 2 points

Reddit normie soyboys expect everything to be given to them and do not have the capability to create new and interesting content. At most, Redditards can only make a few posts that simp or are reposts.

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Quack 2 points

No amount of protesting or boycotting is enough to stop Reddit's decisions. Reddit users prefer to scroll mindlessly for hours and consume content and have no drive to support a cause. Even if moderators were able to reduce the amount of traffic to Reddit, they would just be replaced by more obedient cucks.

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