

556 Karma
Joined 1 year ago
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Quack 1 point

It's filled with strange stuff, although some boards can occasionally have interesting discussions. People are scared of 4chan because of rare instances where serial killers and perverts ruined the site.

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Quack 1 point

I only go on ChatGPT to get it to generate absurd things for a quick laugh and to try to feel what having IRL friends is like.

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Quack 0 points

which boards do you usually go on

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Quack 1 point

I have been an outcast since the beginning of high school

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Quack 1 point

Yes and it makes up most of my internet activity in school. I can't socialize because I have trouble making eye contact and because everyone makes fun of me anyways so why even try

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Quack -1 point

I assumed that Cicero worked in an office and had a job

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Quack 3 points

I saw the bookmark in the promotional video that Cocero made for Mainchan

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Quack 2 points

The poster is probably just imagining a scenario in his head to make him feel better. The OP would have been thrown in some mental hospital if this actually happened.

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Quack 1 point

WTF WHY ARE NORMAL PEOPLE WITH NORMAL LIVES POSTING ON 4CHAN >:( The normies are invading and virtue signaling on even the most depraved imageboard on the internet. This post, however, is probably a fake.

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Quack 2 points

This post made me hate fat people even more than I already do.

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Quack 1 point

>it’s better to be a “normie”

Why should I try to align with a group of people who naturally hate me?

>around fellow human beings

I think that normies acknowledge me as a different species.

>and interacting with them

I rarely talk to anyone in school because I already know that I will either be ignored or mocked.

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Quack 0 points

kys(in minecraft)

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Quack 1 point

Give us some hints

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Quack 1 point

I don't think anyone will be able to get 10k or even 1k karma before this site gets "popular"

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Quack 1 point

What do you plan the deadline to get Founder levels 2 and 3 to be?

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Quack 1 point

(sorry I posted the last comment anonymously)

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Quack 1 point

I feel like users will only post generic and uncontroversial content a few hundred times, receiving 2 or 3 upvotes each, to obtain 1k karma.

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Quack 1 point

Okay. (Also, can you add a user count indicator to the home page of Mainchan somehow?)

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Quack 1 point

Make general threads full-blown subchans with the ability to post threads within a thread. Make the number and depth of nested subchans unlimited. For example, within s/text, I could make s/text/stories as a thread on s/text and then make s/text/stories/true as a thread on s/text/stories

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Quack 2 points


But this site has to grow somehow. However, since Mainchan is a free speech application, it will attract based users and we can create our own site culture.

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Quack 1 point

The problem is that I am aware that I will always be ridiculed for something that I cannot control for my entire life. I am too different to fit in with others. People will automatically dislike me.

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Quack 2 points

pics or it never happened lol

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Quack 1 point

Reddit is already becoming obsolete because someone decided to charge for API requests, damaging most alternative Reddit front-ends.

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