

87 Karma
Joined 2 months ago
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P38lightning 5 points

Fair enough.

I'll start posting some non-political stuff.

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P38lightning 0 points

They don't offend you?

Then what are you complaining about?

You know what I do when I don't like a political post? I ignore it.

I very rarely, if ever down vote anything.


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P38lightning -1 point

Life is so tough.

Get to your nearest college campus.

They're handing out chocolate milk, coloring books, and stuffed animals.

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No title needed
s/random · Posted by P38lightning 3 weeks ago
P38lightning 1 point

And is likely to sweep the battleground states,

Double wow.

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P38lightning 1 point

Tell those assholes on reddit I said hi.

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