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NecroSocial 3 points

Lemmy has Reddit's political bias on roids and ever since the blackout migration Lemmy has many of Reddit's more power mad mods as active users. Those were what put a damper on it for me. Decentralization is great but Lemmy's version of it with Federation is more like a bunch of little fiefdoms run by admins that can be worse than some of the mods. It'a a fine enough place to have as like a side place to visit but I could not see it as a number one hangout.

But yeah there's a lot of Reddit Alternative folks who think just because Lemmy has decent user numbers it can be the Reddit killer but I don't see it happening.

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NecroSocial 4 points

Coolness. Welcome to the nuthouse <(@_@)> the orderlies here are friendly, don't mind the hallucinations that's just /u/Gaystation spiking our daily meds. Seriously tho, it's cool that you dig the site, you've been making some good posts as well which is awesome. How'd you find this place btw?

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NecroSocial 3 points *

Takes guts to admit Nickelback was your first heavy music. I liked one Nickelback song: Leader of Men because that was around the time I was teaching myself guitar and it was super easy to play.


My first taste of heavy music would be like (carbon dating myself here) 1984, first time I saw Motley Crue - Looks That Kill. I had just become fascinated with the occult after finding, at my local library, books on witchcraft and esotericism. So when this MC video with pentagrams on their double bass drums came out right in the middle of the 80's Satanic Panic it was like yessss give me more delicious rebelion!


I was a little kid though, 0 money and the fam wouldn't even buy me black clothes let alone metal records. I went back to my rap stuff, occasionally digging a heavy song I'd see on MTV. Wasn't until Grunge that my love for heavy music fully resurfaced. High school years. I remember being in my grandmother's room watching her tv when the video for Nirvana Smells Like Teen Spirit was played for the first time and changed my whole life. I rocked out with the tv blasting and the love for heavy music came rushing back. Only now I could get a job and buy my own music and clothes and eventually a cheapo Squier guitar on which I taught myself Smells Like Teen Spirt and then it was off to the races.


A friend I met at work (Halloween Store) was this gutter punk kid and we made a horrible band with no name who played one VFW Hall show for a bunch of skinheads who booed us because I'm Black. We won them over by announcing our name was "KK Kenny and The Nigger Lovers" (my idea, got em to stop throwing cans at us). We had three songs that were like a minute each and we made up the rest of our set on the fly. Just barely organized noise. It got so roudy the cops busted up the show. So now I was into punk, then Goth, then some mainstream Metal. Then a friend introduced me to Death Metal and it Blew. My. Goddamn. Mind. Yeah so that's the evolution of my love for heavy music.

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NecroSocial 4 points
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NecroSocial 3 points

The comments were gold

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NecroSocial 3 points *

Just finished the article. It appears to be written by a well educated and intelligent man who somehow has the reasoning skills of a simpleton. His entire argument boils down to, "humans can't be moral without God threatening to burn us should we not be". He diminishes the religious morality he's attempting to lionize by framing it entirely as the logical fallacy of argument from authority. This was written in 1998 so how poorly he defends his notions can be forgiven somewhat given the fact that the atheist view on these things wasn't well known until people like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens popularized them in the early 2000s.


This secular reasoning was well articulated by Sam Harris in 2006:

He'd then go on to give a TED talk on science based morality:


The short, pithy rant from Richard Dawkins here: is more of a, "dunk on the theists," sort of thing than I prefer but it too drives home a counter point to Philip Yancey's faith-biased views. In a similar vein here's Hitchens answering the same question (a bit angrily though since by this time he's answered this line of questioning many times in various ways):

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NecroSocial 4 points

Well I mean he's not wrong...


...about the list.

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NecroSocial 4 points

Wish I could enjoy single player games. I need the constant contest and adrenaline of a multiplayer shooter to hold my interest. Last single player game I was able to tolerate was GTA, still never finished the story though. The Souls-Like games look cool but I know I'd be bored to tears trying to play one.

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NecroSocial 4 points

Had a video on in the bg that mentioned the chip earlier, I think the big deal was the error correction scales or improves with as the number of qubits in quantum systems increases over time. I was baking cookies when I had whatever video that was on so I could be misremembering but I think that was it.

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NecroSocial 3 points

Little known trick, when you misclick or get an error message and wind up with a page refresh and all your text gone you can often get it back just by hitting the back button in your browser. This has worked for me many times trying to make media uploads and getting errors that refreshed the page. YMMV tho depending on your browser and such.

Also hello other darker-than-white person.

Also also bonus points for anyone who can name the movie my gif is from and why it's the perfect gif for this thread.

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NecroSocial 4 points

The kinda music to bang your Elf girlfriend to after a long day of slaying orcs. 🤘

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NecroSocial 3 points

Admins saying it was a glitch. Kinda sus a glitch would somehow only effect the NSFW subs.

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NecroSocial 2 points *

You can add stability by setting a set height and width on the image previews. That way nothing in the DOM has to reflow as you page through the gallery.

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Sum 41 - Screaming Bloody Murder (
s/music · Posted by NecroSocial 1 year ago