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NecroSocial 1 point

Maybe this can go a ways towards diminishing the left wing's growing bias against AI. The luddite streak on the left is really strong lately (try mentioning crypto in left wing circles to get a taste of the bias) so any inroads to combat this whole anti tech, anti science bent is welcome IMO.

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NecroSocial 1 point *

I mean, Aristotle has a point but it could be argued that the tomboy having male traits indicates those mentally attracted to tomboys are therefore attracted to male traits as well. All roads lead to gay.

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NecroSocial 1 point

/s/cats dontchaknow.

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NecroSocial 1 point

I don't want to mod another sub but I think someone should start a finance sub for stock and crypto posts at this point.

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NecroSocial 1 point

See something interesting, think "fuck Reddit", post it here.

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NecroSocial 1 point

From the producer:

CALIGULA: THE ULTIMATE CUT red band trailer (no, it’s not porn)

The new version of the film was an Official Selection at Cannes 2023, and will be premiering in North America (and around the world) soon!

This is an entirely new cut of the film, assembled from 96 hours of original negatives. All the hardcore footage that was added to the original has been removed, restoring the unseen story and performances.

The original location audio was restored for this version (the original is all ADR, no location audio was used).

Every frame is either an alternate take or an alternate angle, meaning 100% of the film is “never-before-seen” footage.

And responding on Reddit to someone asking if it was a cheap project stitching extra footage together to make a quick buck...

So it’s not really “extra footage,” we had all 96 hours of original camera negative. This project took years, it’s anything but an easy quick buck. At one point we had a dozen people going through every frame of film digitally cleaning and restoring them. The movie’s 3 hours long, and there are 24 frames of film in a single second. We cleaned them all. This movie literally went through every step of post production that any movie goes through plus before that could happen all the raw footage and original audio had to be digitized and restored. And, yo, Cannes is kinda prestigious, and yo we’re kinda proud.

I've actually never seen the original (was too young to rent it back in days of video stores and hadn't thought about it since way back then) so I'm interested to check this new version out. Looks cool.

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NecroSocial 2 points

The infosec world is full of activity. It hasn't slowed down in the least. The mainstream news orgs cover it less but you can check out sites like or and see that the blackhats are always up to something.

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NecroSocial 1 point *

Just to calm the nerves of anyone expecting to still be alive in 2029 or 2036, the "expected impact" asteroid mentioned is Apophis which is no longer considered to in danger of hitting us. It was ruled out between 2008-2013 after the patent mentioning it was applied for so the author's mention of it was the correct understanding at the time.

In any event I'd love to see a comparison of these patents (by a qualified physicist or engineer) with those of Salvatore Cezar Pais' patents here and here which are similar sci-fi level, UAP style tech.

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NecroSocial 2 points

Just enjoying the vanlife. Me and my dog rocking up to scenic vistas and staying a while 'til it's time to move on to the next. Note: The pic isn't my rig, my dog's a Rottie and my van's a shuttle bus.

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NecroSocial 1 point

Thanks, I think so too.

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