No. Title Writer(s) Director(s) Released
01 Twovix Mike McMahan Barry J. Kelly & Jason Zurek 2023-09-07
02 I Have No Bones Yet I Must Flee Aaron Burdette Megan Lloyd 2023-09-07

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Only real problems I had with episode one were some geek nitpicks.

They were headed for the Borg cube super fast, if a cube was that close to Federation space I feel like that would have been a huge issue for Starfleet. Second I dislie that it seems the writers are totally against Janeway's solution to Tuvix. Tuvix was a trolley problem, there was no 100% right answer and Janeway chose the solution that saved the most lives. It's great fodder for philosophical and ethical debate but to come down and declare either choice as definitively right seems wrong. But then they did ultimately have their cake and eat it too by forcing a situation where no technically sentient life was lost splitting up the blob creature in then end so shrug I guess. In any even revisiting Voyager is aalway very welcome.

Episode 2 I gotta admit, I loved Moopsie. It's the cute bone-drinking Pokemon I never knew I wanted. Rest of the episode was meh, I'm so over Mariner's disrespect for chain of command, rebelious schtick. If they could just drop that from now on the show would improve a lot.

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Episode 3 tomorrow. I don't love or hate this show but it's something Trek flavored to watch that doesn't suck butt like the live action stuff so yay I guess. Maybe it's growing on me after 3 seasons.

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