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Gaystation 3 points

im good thanks

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Gaystation 1 point

yeah but not after i said it the first time

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Gaystation 1 point

not like you where stoping me

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Gaystation 1 point

why you ban me

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Gaystation 1 point

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Gaystation 1 point

odie be high on meth

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pixel land
s/random · Posted by Gaystation 10 months ago
Gaystation 1 point

well now you do

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Gaystation 1 point

i wasnt talking to you

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Gaystation 3 points

pov: tttg trying to find the most controversial things to get downvotes

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Gaystation 2 points


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Gaystation 2 points

pov: anonymous234

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Gaystation 1 point

I saw that just now and was coming to announce that someone made one at spawn

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Gaystation 1 point

also found this 1585 -1072

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Gaystation 1 point

i found this 1510 -1072

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Gaystation 1 point

you are

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Gaystation 2 points *

mainbros when anonymous234 has an opinion

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Gaystation 4 points

well never mind then

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Gaystation 3 points

most polite mainchan conversation

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Gaystation 3 points *

i see what you doing your trying to get your downvotes. smart. cant get away that easily

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Gaystation 2 points

average rain experience

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Gaystation 1 point
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