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Duck 2 points


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Duck 1 point

I'm not an alt wtf its just that on steam and twitch I have the name madduckling... (changed the one on steam to TheTreeDude) since each time I inputted anything into the field the names I used all were available and nobody used took this opportunity and made this account named "Duck" why...because I like ducks!

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Duck 4 points

tf is wrong with you pal?

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Duck 1 point

okay buddy you could think as much as you'd like...

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Duck 1 point

you guys wipe?

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Duck 1 point

picked up kama sutra

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Duck 2 points

yeah I believe Azathoth is the true god that we shall submit to

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Duck 2 points

ofc you can post whatever you want there :D

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Duck 3 points

Thanks anon

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Duck 1 point

she should kick herself out of the house , imagine throwing that on your guest's lap wtf is wrong with her anyways

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