

1191 Karma

I am cool guy

Joined 1 year ago
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Coolguy 2 points

when i found out that women dont have pp

It shocked me to the 1th dimension

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Coolguy 1 point

peter or peter

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I like this car
s/random · Posted by Coolguy 1 year ago
Coolguy 1 point


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if see a dead animal
s/random · Posted by Coolguy 1 year ago
Coolguy 4 points

when i tirn 18 i wanna live alone

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Coolguy 2 points

i will turn 18 this year and i can leagly watch porn

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Coolguy 1 point

u are insult to the ass man

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Coolguy 1 point


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Post void is FIRE
s/random · Posted by Coolguy 1 year ago
s/random · Posted by Coolguy 1 year ago
Coolguy 0 points

This is how to build one.

Materials needed

1.Iron Pipe, threaded ends, 1-1/2" to 3" diameter, 3" to 8" long.

2.Two (2) iron pipe caps

3.Explosive or propellant

4.Nonelectric blasting cap (Commercial or military)

5.Fuse cord

6.Hand Drill


1) Place blasting cap on one end of fuse cord and crimp with pliers.

2) Screw pipe cap to one end of the pipe. Place fuse cord with blasting cap into the opposite end so that the blasting cap is near the center of the pipe.

3) Pour explosive or propellant into pipe a little bit at a time.

4) Drill a hole in the center of the unassembled pipe cap large enough for the fuse cord to pass through.

5) Wipe pipe threads to remove any filler material. Slide the drilled pipe cap over the fuse and screw handtight onto the pipe.

Most good explosives will work well inside it.

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Coolguy 1 point

i have pipe bomb recipe

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Coolguy 1 point

Get a good grip buddie

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Coolguy 1 point

i brain when i read this

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Coolguy 1 point

is that her leg?

also how old are u and she?

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Coolguy 1 point

Zoo weening mama bitch

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Coolguy 1 point


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Coolguy 1 point


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Coolguy 1 point

i am using phone

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Coolguy 1 point

i use phone to post

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Coolguy 1 point

pray for me to not get bullied

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Coolguy 1 point



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Coolguy 1 point


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