

1192 Karma

I am cool guy

Joined 1 year ago
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Coolguy 2 points

u shoud visit ur mall before it closes

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Coolguy 2 points

tnx for the recommendation

i will watch it

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Coolguy 1 point

I like water park

i wish i could go to water park

But my country doesn't have water park

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Coolguy 1 point


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Coolguy 2 points

I am not american but i would vote him because he is funny

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Coolguy 2 points

no its the ice skating roof

the mall has ice skating thing

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Coolguy 2 points


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Coolguy 1 point

ancient humor?

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Coolguy 1 point

wad da fak

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Coolguy 1 point


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Coolguy 1 point


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Coolguy 1 point

that girl is a grill

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Coolguy 2 points

Christian lore is badass

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Coolguy 1 point

meme is political

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Coolguy 2 points

its pain in the ass

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Coolguy 1 point


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Coolguy 1 point

My homie drew the face

And i drew the rest

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Coolguy 1 point

growing up in ur childhood bedroom

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Section 8 Rat graffiti
s/random · Posted by Coolguy 1 year ago
Coolguy 1 point *

early alpha development virgins


Early virgin was going to be like Chad but when Sigma introduced they changed it to look like the modern virgin

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Coolguy 1 point

mine is 409

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Coolguy 1 point

nah thats just deep fake

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