

1192 Karma

I am cool guy

Joined 1 year ago
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Coolguy 1 point

Hes a based man to me

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Coolguy 1 point

u okey buddy?

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Coolguy 4 points

i am in high school too

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Coolguy 2 points

I just respond

"Yea i know. Btw did u know i like crowbar because it can crack human skulls just like pickaxe?"

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Coolguy 1 point

noo way

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Coolguy 1 point


just dont do alchohol

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Coolguy 2 points

yea they literally ignore for being something

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Coolguy 2 points


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I came from school
s/random · Posted by Coolguy 1 year ago
Coolguy 1 point

i just imagine i am having a conversation to someone

Works perfectky

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Coolguy 1 point

i would die to draw like this

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Coolguy 1 point


I literally ate 2 full of moldy bread that i havent noticed

maybe i get aids or something

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Coolguy 1 point


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Fuck school
s/random · Posted by Coolguy 1 year ago
Coolguy 1 point


eating other people?

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Coolguy 1 point


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Coolguy 1 point

expect ur belly to get fucked

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Coolguy 1 point

Factory reset

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Coolguy 1 point

not me thats for shure

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Coolguy 1 point

i wonder what happend after that guy who did this tatoo

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Coolguy 2 points

Nice leg

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Coolguy 1 point


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Coolguy 1 point

Thats a big rant

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Coolguy 1 point


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