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[–] Anonymous 114d507b 2 points

Sad. I actually watched her sometimes. Hopefully she ends up streaming on a non-hololive account.

As long as Gura doesn't fully retire though, I'm content.

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[–] freeBread 1 point

>Hopefully she ends up streaming on a non-hololive account.

That's what's most likely gonna happen.

>As long as Gura doesn't fully retire though, I'm content.

I don't really watch her and I don't really know what's going on with her. She hasn't streamed in months.

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[–] Anonymous 114d507b 2 points

>She hasn't streamed in months

Yeah, but that's better than a full retirement. I don't think she enjoys streaming very much. Maybe it's stressful being the #1 vtuber, who knows

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[–] freeBread 1 point

It was fun while it lasted I guess.

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