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[–] bret 5 points

yes thats... why we're here :^)

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[–] CAN 1 point

sometimes I wonder how people got here otherwise

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[–] DM_ME_YOUR_NUDES 1 point
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[–] iKR 1 point

Nice bret

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[–] xavieryaa 4 points

If Apollo shuts down, I'm definitely leaving Reddit - the official app is borderline unusable, plus a platform willing to screw over its users isn't a good place to be.

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[–] CAN 2 points

I'm here so I can get used to having somewhere to go once I can't use Sync.

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[–] EtTuChud 4 points

I garuntee you this is so they can cash out to investors for the upcoming IPO, fuck em

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[–] CAN 1 point

Common knowledge

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