got problom

Posted by Coolguy 2 years ago Follow

whenever i up vote or down vote its keep down voting when i refresh

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[–] Cicero 3 points *

A submission's total score has a "fuzzed" score. This is to make it harder for vote-botters to know which of their accounts are working or not.

Also on the front end if you upvote something it's basically just going to +1 it since your vote isn't calculated immediately but I gotta display it anyway or else people will get mad.

Your submission's actual total_score on the backend is the only thing that matters since that's the only thing that affects "hotness", what it displays on the front-end doesn't really matter.

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[–] anonymous 0 points

It takes time to appear visually, for example I upvoted this post, but it still has 1 upvote after a while it gets fixed.

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[–] anonymous 0 points

Now it has 2 upvotes

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