‘Star Trek: Starfleet Academy’ Gets Series Greenlight At Paramount+
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1 year ago
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Sigh, Klutzman already starting on the wrong foot with "a new enemy that threatens both the Academy and the Federation itself."
Just students going through Academy is more than enough awesome to base a show around. We're talking about cadets learning how to become interstellar astronauts, learning the sci-fi science that underpins the Trek universe, having a home base set in a near utopic future Earth combined with the politics of academia, The Federation and United Earth. But no Kurtzman needs to inject some arch villain to threaten the whole ass Federation for the millionth time under his tenure. This man truly does not learn from his fuck ups.
Can we just once get a god damned bright and optimistic, live-action Star Trek show without ridiculous world-ending stakes? The show hasn't even begun casting yet and I'm already pissed at how I know they're going to handle it.
Edit: I just remembered Discovery sent Tilly to teach at the Academy. Phuk!