A brief has been filed before the SCOTUS on behalf of Reddit.
It seeks to protect Reddit's moderation, censorship and shadow-banning practices from a new Texas anti-deplatforming law and the wave of lawsuits that will soon rain down on Reddit due to the rampant censorship and unfair user bans that happen there every day. The brief is hilarious in that it mentions r/StarTrek in particular (a subreddit that is notorious for censoring and banning users for bullshit reasons). Apparently a Texas Redditor has already (unsuccessfully) sued Reddit under the ne law because they were banned from r/StarTrek for calling Will Wheaton a "soy boy". The brief goes as far as describing in detail the function of the subreddit r/ShittyDaystrom 🤣.
Sadly this case does seem like Reddit is likely to win given how stupidly broad, poorly worded and unconstitutional a lot of the Texas law is. Still I at least hope this case brings all of Reddit's fuckery to light. The discovery portion of the case, if properly handled could dredge up a lot of damning stuff about Reddit's mods, admins, and algos. The case was mentioned on NPR so its definitely getting some media attention. Here's hoping Reddit gets at least a taste of the beating they rightfully deserve.
BTW it is awesome that Will Wheaton being a soy boy is now a matter of public record in the highest court in the land. I'll sleep well knowing that.
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