I wonder what's in the kumwell

Posted by Anonymous 1 day ago Follow
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[–] NecroSocial 3 points *

Oh that's just a standard cum well, just with the old Germanic spelling "kumwell". Back before traces of cum were added to everyone's drinking water men had to refill their balls at these local cum wells. A fount with a cock-height, mouth-shaped opening was affixed to the well basin under the plate. Men would then stick their penises (or in ye olde speak "earth rods") into the fount and a lever would be pulled releasing a nutsack-filling amount of white gold baby batter right up the man's tallywhacker which as any doctor will tell you is a sound, though crude method of replenishing a man's jizz reserves.


However with modern advances in both engineering and cum mining/processing these days we're able to passively refill our kumknurdles (as the Germans would call empty balls) just by drinking refreshing, nano-cum infused, tap water. The more you know eh?

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[–] Anonymous de321801 2 points

Makes sense. Thanks for the explanation. I was actually suspecting that that was the case but I wasn't entirely sure. My neighborhood had entirely transitioned to tap water cum replenishing mechanisms long before I was born so I never actually seen much cum wells around.

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