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Frankly this site is nothing like 4chan

but I'll still use it

just hope you change up the UI

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thanks /u/poop

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Anonymous 5bc2ed7e

cool web sight Cicero

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thank you thank you

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That's a perfect example of why I post mostly on 4chan, and why I think there are virtually no alternatives to it. Pretty much every thread is like that, full of extremely rude and enlightening posts. Anyone who posts something retarded, is quickly drowned in abusive comments and chased away.

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Anonymous 0f3ecf24

can you prove this site ISN'T funded by Israel, though?

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Anonymous 2b77efca

That's a perfect example of why I don't post on 4chan any more, and why I hope this site can become an alternative to it. Pretty much every thread is like that, full of extremely rude and stupid posts. Anyone who tries to create something of value, is quickly drowned in abusive comments and chased away.

The argument that registration somehow clashes with freedom of speech, makes absolutely zero sense. And personally, I'd much rather have to register an account, which is a one-time deal, than have to solve a captcha for every single post. In my opinion, this site has the best system: you get the features that come with an account, but can still post anonymously.

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I don't mind the rude posts. I feel like some websites have a culture of being overly polite, whereas on 4chan people will tell you how they feel regardless of it being nice or not. So at least you get honesty.

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Anonymous 2b77efca

Yeah, I don't like the fake and forced politeness either, but I feel that 4chan goes too far in the other direction. Constantly telling people to kill themselves is really crossing the line, it's not something you'd say in person and may actually harm someone who is already feeling suicidal. Calling everyone who disagrees with you a Jew is just plain stupid, regardless of what one thinks about Jews.

And it wasn't always like this. The level of aggressiveness has definitely increased in the last few years, as the level of discourse has fallen off a cliff. I saw an old screenshot of the front page of /x/ recently, and the difference with the current /x/ was just saddening.

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t. Jew

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personally, I think the biggest problem with 4chan's aggressiveness is how it constantly derails the conversation. Anytime anyone says something there, everyone else gets so offended that they HAVE to respond to it, making it real easy to bait people into arguing for hours about the most idiotic and trivial things. you see it a lot on /his/ especially, where people will go into a frothing rage in every single thread, making it so that everyone's constantly trying to offend and is constantly being offended. any real conversation inevitably gets drowned out in the retarded shouting matches.

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I agree with u XD, my opinion is that 4chan is now full of bots and npcs.

Though it's still cool to browse it from time to time (specially /sci/).

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