

16 Karma
Joined 2 years ago
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poop 1 point

make /s/jak and advertise on soyjak.party

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poop 1 point

Should just be a matter of enabling the nonfree repos and installing drm iirc

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poop 1 point

I've used openbsd on my thinkpad for a while now so i'm more experienced with it

That being said my favorite linux distro is void linux

I generally shy away from distros that come with too much junk preinstalled

That being said debian is really solid and it was my first linux distro

If you enjoy Mint maybe check it out

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poop 2 points

Frankly this site is nothing like 4chan

but I'll still use it

just hope you change up the UI

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poop 2 points

take my updoot!

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