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[–] Cicero 1 point

huh. Media queries broke. Idk why. Let me check.

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[–] Cicero 1 point

ok fixed. Sorry I'm doing some late night dev'ing on the mobile app and I broke the website.

You might need to do a hard refresh to see the old styles again.

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[–] Anonymous 58c2d721 1 point

Uh oh, Cicero did a fucky wucky again. Who saw that coming?

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[–] Cicero 2 points

dev'ing is hard if you're dum

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[–] ymous 1 point

Nice, fellow phoneposter.

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[–] AnneBoonchy 1 point

more phoneposters are awaiting da app

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[–] anonymous234 -1 point

Sxarp won.

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