
Comments (14)

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[–] SorbianSwitzerland 2 points

I almost crushed a baby whilst going down a water slide, I was being chased during a retarded game of tag at the indoors waterpark. I also had some anxiety and stress about unrelated shit before that, so didn't pay attention to where I was going.

Is my fault that shit happend, but why the fuck did they have such a young child outside the shallow waters? Sure there parents were there at the end to pick them up and give me a ear full for almost drowning their toddler, but what the fuck lady? I couldn't see that shit ahead of time.

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[–] Norzka 2 points

Shit well, at least you and the baby came out alive. To be fair, it isn't your fault if the baby was just left unattended in a dangerous place.

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[–] SorbianSwitzerland 2 points

Water was too deep for them to stay afloat, the mother was at the end of the slide, so it wasn't unattended. It was just a really dumb action on my part, whilst the mom mabye shouldn't bring their young child in a part where they can't even swim on their own or stand above the waterline.

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[–] NecroSocial 3 points

Friend's mom bought him a used car, just needed oil. He drives it for days without adding oil and siezes the engine ruining the motor leaving him with no car having wasted thousands of his mom's money.

Same friend wanted to cut down a tree branch for no reason. Branch landed on and wrecked the fence in his back yard.

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[–] SorbianSwitzerland 4 points

God has his favorites.

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[–] Norzka 2 points

Seems as if this friend has very high intelligence level

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[–] Anonymous b26e3196 2 points

one time I put my car on cruise control on the highway, climbed out through the sunroof, and then started driving with my feet

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[–] Norzka 2 points

Still safer than 50% of all drivers

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[–] Anonymous 20e1e6e4 4 points

I one time was trying to clear space for the game genshin impact on my pc and instead of buying space, or deleting unused games I ended up accidentally deleting every single saved folder (images, videos, drafts) that I had collected for years. And I couldn’t undo the damage so I lost all my memes, family photos that were saved on my pc, and literally everything was gone. It basically wiped my whole pc, and I restart from scratch.

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[–] SorbianSwitzerland 2 points

>I one time was trying to clear space for the game genshin impact


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[–] Norzka 2 points

speaking straight up facts

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[–] Norzka 3 points

That's the price you have to pay for installing genshin, it's either everything else or genshin. This does actually reminds me of how I did a similar thing, although for me. I formatted the wrong drive, luckily for me, I just quick formatted it, so I could recover most of my life.

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[–] SorbianSwitzerland 2 points

Is mobile shit that does this, I "played" Azur Lane for a while. It was too big to keep on my phone due to the bloat, and on pc with bluestack app player it both took space and ran like ass. Never played such games again due to the bloat and lack of real gameplay.

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[–] shorty 3 points

yes yes, i was trying to play with my friend and i was desperate. but i regret it lol

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