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[–] gabe4linux 3 points

Who is Kara Eklund?

What is your definition of femcel?

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[–] ANGUSPOUNDER 3 points

I googled her and got this:

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[–] gabe4linux 2 points

Oh, she is fictional character from "NEET Girl Date Night".

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[–] Anonymous afdb1edf 2 points

>ywn have a femcel gf who's positive outlook on life you can restore

why even live?

but for real though, it depends on what she's like. If she's completely unhygienic, genuinely selfish, or some kind of radfem, it's going to be a hard-pass for me. If she's just socially retarded, obsessive, and only mildly unhygienic, then i can make that work.

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[–] Anonymous e17a29b4 4 points

The only real femcels are women too crippled to physically engage in sex or so hideously disfigured that not even a pervert would bang them on the DL. So that's like 0.0000000000001% of the human population. Any woman outside that demographic calling herself a femcel just has standards she won't admit are aiming way out of her league.

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[–] gabe4linux 4 points

I think you are right.

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[–] Anonymous b9aaaa61 1 point

no :] i like dudes

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[–] SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

Most guys would take just about anybody so long they had the right genitalia. I don't know, mabye femcels exist, but I rarely see women alone, and if they were femcels how would I even meet up with them in the first place?

Guys put themself out there all the time, it just dosen't seem anybody wants 'em. So that's why i'm always confused by these types of questions. Guys want to date, they just don't get the opportunity to do it with somebody.

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