Are you religious
4 votes
8 votes

Voting closed 1 year ago.

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[–] SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

One of the less harmful coping methods.

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[–] Cloud 0 points

I agree until crazies start using it as an excuse to start bombing, genociding etc.

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[–] Rain 1 point *

I expected someone to says something like this

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[–] Anonymous eb3b35c9 2 points

I'm s p i r i t u a l

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[–] Quack 1 point

Redditors: “I’m spiritual but no religious”

Also Redditors: *Spend all day upvoting posts and browsing memes and fapping*

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[–] Anonymous f682c9ad 2 points

Kinda. It's more complicated than a Yes/No

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[–] Rain 1 point

Believing for the sake of something to believe in?

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[–] Anonymous f682c9ad 1 point

more like a lot of my beliefs are based off of various religions but also part of me kinda believes in Christ but it's like more like a pie chart. For example it could be like 15% chance nothing happens when I die and my conciousness ends forever, 20% Christ was the real deal, 30% conciousness is universal and I'm actually experiencing all conciousnesses at once since I am literally the universe experiencing itself but these conciousness segments don't have the neccesary information to understand they're a shared conciousness, 10% something else entirely, etc. etc.

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[–] Rain 1 point


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[–] DoctorForesight 2 points

Used to be. I still think religion is a good thing for humanity even though I don't believe myself.

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[–] Mr_trololo 0 points

Some of ya'll probably already know this from the previous poll, but I'm in the middle of yes and no.

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