I left this site for only three days, only to return to a wasteland. There is usually a few posts with a large number of comments on the front page, but upon returning, I was disappointed at the laziness of the userbase. I can already sense the comments accusing me of not helping with the prevention of the lack of original, high-quality, posts, so I will tell you all a story about something that happened some time back

>be me

>beginning of freshman year(9th grade)

>mom enrolls me in online school

>feel nostalgic for school since I was not able to experience school life for the past year and a half because of the pandemic

>lie about the software being buggy and convince my mom to enroll me back in high school

>first day of school arrives

>feel happy

>think im going to be popular and have friends just like in the “good old days”

>arrive at the front door

>immediately intimidated because I was a 4’11 dwarf

>try to talk to people that I knew before the pandemic but they all ignore me

>get into a few fights in the next few weeks

>still wait for a few months, holding on to hope

>eventually realize that I dont belong in school

>eventually realize that I dont belong anywhere with people

Should I have stayed in online school? I regret being a normie and thinking that I could enjoy high school. What would my life be like if I had chose to be a loner on that fateful day in online school?

Also, what is the most regrettable thing that you have done?

Comments (40)

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[–] DM_ME_YOUR_NUDES 3 points

you can't tell me what to do

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[–] Anonymous 452c5ce2 1 point

There's like ten users here. Are you that shy? Can't make a throwaway?

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[–] Quack 1 point

Or just post anoymously

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[–] Quack 1 point

Give us some hints

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[–] Anonymous e6d82035 3 points

benis :D

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[–] Quack 0 points

kys(in minecraft)

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[–] AnneBoonchy 2 points

no one will include you if you dont include your self

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[–] Quack 2 points

>if you dont include your self

what do you mean

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[–] AnneBoonchy 1 point

you wont make friends if you don't approach people

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[–] Anonymous 452c5ce2 2 points

Your enjoyment of highschool shouldn't come from others. And a few years after you'll look back and realize none of it mattered either way.

am I the oldest person here btw

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[–] Quack 1 point

The problem is that I am aware that I will always be ridiculed for something that I cannot control for my entire life. I am too different to fit in with others. People will automatically dislike me.

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[–] Anonymous 452c5ce2 1 point

I mean no disrespect but you're young, and don't fit in with the crowd around you. That sucks. I was that teen.

But I managed to stay alive and met more people, put myself in more enovironments, but most importantly I didn't assign my value to others

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[–] Quack 1 point

I think that social isolation is the best option for me at this point.

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[–] Anonymous 452c5ce2 1 point

Maybe, but don't forget the "at this point" part. Isolation forever isn't healthy. But perhaps your current circunstances may make it the only option for a bit.

But some asshole teenagers opinions don't matter I promise you. Even if you think they're they coolest teens you've ever seen.

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[–] Quack 0 points

>But perhaps your current circumstances may make it the only option for a bit.

I am now 5'1, exactly halfway between the heights of my parents, indicating that this is my final height. At least you accept the fact that my height is to blame for this. The effects of heightism last even into adulthood, so I should not expect to be treated well by anyone my age.

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[–] chanslol 2 points

me and a group of friends bullycided some channer lol

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[–] Quack 2 points

pics or it never happened lol

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[–] kevex92 2 points

Hopefully, it grows and Reddit becomes obsolete.

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[–] Quack 1 point

Reddit is already becoming obsolete because someone decided to charge for API requests, damaging most alternative Reddit front-ends.

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[–] JaqenHghar64 2 points


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[–] Anonymous 8e36c0fa 2 points

honestly, you probably made the right decision. even if it's difficult, it's better to be a "normie" than to be all alone. humans need social interaction, and if you limited this solely to online discourse, you'll drive yourself completely insane. You might not like high-school (which is understandable since high-school always sucks), but at least you're putting in the bare minimum of being around fellow human beings for a few hours a day and interacting with them.

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[–] Quack 1 point

>it’s better to be a “normie”

Why should I try to align with a group of people who naturally hate me?

>around fellow human beings

I think that normies acknowledge me as a different species.

>and interacting with them

I rarely talk to anyone in school because I already know that I will either be ignored or mocked.

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[–] Anonymous 452c5ce2 1 point

>I think that normies acknowledge me as a different species.

You're kind of unironically referring to them as a different species too.

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[–] Quack 1 point

I wouldn't alienate them if they did not isolate and bully me first. I refer to average people as "normies" to highlight the difference between them and me. Normies enjoy following others and follow weird trends. They fail to recognize societal issues, and, in the rare events when they do, only temporarily pretend to care in order to virtue signal.

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[–] Anonymous 452c5ce2 2 points

You're a kid so I'm going to try to be nice to you but if you act this superior around people in real life then no wonder they don't want to be around you. Height isn't the issue.

You're not the first 15 year old who saw through the bs of society. You're not special.

I mean, you are, every person is a unique view into the universe, but you're no more special.

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[–] Quack 1 point

I never said that I was better than others. i just think that it would be better for me to isolate myself from other students for the time being.

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[–] Quack 1 point

>If you act this superior to everyone irl no wonder they don't like you.

I don't. And the comments about normies that I made are based on my observations. I also never claimed that all people were normies.

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