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What the actual fuck is going on? Entire subs downvoted into oblivion.

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The images seem to be compressed, anyway they are screenshots of /s/technology and /s/jokes. Most of the these posts had 4 to 7 upvotes, and now they are 0 or -1. so that means there is a user (bot?) with multiple accounts and this user is manipulating the votes, either he/she is a troll or someone who is trying to damage the site, by discouraging other people from posting and contributing to the site.

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Just happened to a lot of my post

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Anonymous 77804d44

Here's an interesting thing I've noticed: currently this post (not this comment) has 1 upvote, so I upvote it, refresh the page and it's apparently still at one upvote (??).

And if I remove my upvote, the upvote count becomes 0. However if I refresh the page, upvote count backs up to one..

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Anonymous 33396775

It takes time for the upvote to appear visually.

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Anonymous 77804d44

people don't like us...

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