How it's going so far

Posted by Cicero 1 year ago Follow
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[–] Death 1 point

Man up.

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[–] Cicero 1 point

it's just a meme, family.

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[–] Anonymous d94c2ae7 2 points

I'd prefer that, clicking on posts title leads to comment section instead of directly going to posts link

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[–] Anonymous 91b309df 2 points

But then you'd have to click twice to read the article or see the picture, which could be inconvenient...

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[–] Anonymous d94c2ae7 2 points

As a solution for that, larger image/video preview while being in the comments would work well I think. So only if image was very high res (and maybe not even in that case) you'd need to click on it to see it properly.

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[–] Anonymous 91b309df 4 points

The only problem is convincing people to use it. From a technical standpoint, it's working fine! Don't give up on it just because it didn't explode overnight.

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