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[–] Anonymous 9f7a6678 0 points



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[–] freeBread 2 points

What's wrong with Java?

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[–] Anonymous 9f7a6678 0 points *

Awful design full of initial flaws that still haunt it, just to name a few:

- Generics are utter garbage. A list of integers (not simple ints) in java will work in a way that every 4 byte value is wrapped inside an object, making it take 16(? or so) bytes - memory hogging. Not only that, but having a list of basic int types is not even possible (lol).

- There are no unsigned integer types.

- No operator overloading (in 2024..)

- No value types - most of the stuff is heap allocated, also introduces a fuck ton of shit when you're dealing with fixed size math vectors

- the type system isn't even unified

- Their string interpolation just sucks comapred to python or C#

- getters and setters are still written as just functions - there are far more elegant ways of doing that

- Most of java written apps I've used were slow as fuck (the good ones are in a minority)

- Crappy library designs, e.g., there's a File class, but there's also Files class???? I remember using File class to check if a certain path is a file or folder and it didn't even work properly

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[–] freeBread 2 points

I see. Thanks for an explanation.

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