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[–] Cicero 1 point



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[–] Warren 1 point

How, what? :^)

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[–] Cicero 1 point

I'm GUESSING you sent a POST request without the JS while passing the variable that this is a text type post but including only an empty string for the text field and somehow this didn't get picked up in my backend validation. If so that's not that big of a deal, you essentially just made a textless text post.

If it's something else please let me know.

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[–] Warren 1 point

I put style encoding into the body of the post, but with no text inside to be altered.

This post is literally just bold brackets. :^)

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[–] Cicero 1 point


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[–] bret 1 point


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[–] Mr_trololo 2 points

Apparently there is no option to only allow image posts, don't know if this is something wrong on my end, or is there seriously no option to only allow image posts.

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