Red Velvet Corridor

Posted by freeBread 11 months ago Follow
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[–] ymous 2 points

Did you find this on /mu/ ?

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[–] freeBread 2 points

No I didn't. There's another album I really like called "Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven" and while reading the comment section under it on Youtube I saw some people mentioning "Soundtracks for the blind" so I decided to check it out.

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[–] ymous 2 points

Aight. I just happened to see folks talk about this stuff on /mu/. Thought you might have heard it from there. Cuz that's where I have heard about this album (and the band too) for the first time.

I liked the music at first because it was kinda chill, but then I got bored of it.

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[–] freeBread 1 point

Yeah, unfortunately a lot of music like this gets really boring once the novelty wears off.

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