Is loli ok? Is mentioning attraction to nine year old girls ok, if no picture is attached?

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[–] Cicero 2 points

Mainchan is incorporated in Canada and loli is illegal here.

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[–] Anonymous b876f5d1 -1 point *

Man, that's fugged up. It would be comical imagining someone going to prison for possession of LOLI if it didn't actually happen to some people...sad...

If I were to post on s/politics "Legalize loli" Would that get you in trouble? What if I posted "9 year old wife is a human right"

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[–] Anonymous 75364a53 -1 point


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[–] Anonymous b876f5d1 1 point


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[–] NecroSocial 0 points

JFC dude

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[–] Anonymous b876f5d1 1 point


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