Hello my fellow musician and people alike! I'm coming to you with a neat website for my woodwind players (if any at all...). This site is filled with unique fingerings that you probably never knew existed! It has this for Saxophone, Flute, Piccolo, Bassoon, Oboe, and best of all Clarinet; for the Boehm and Albert system, and more. These fingerings consist of the basics, altissimo fingerings, alternative fingerings, trill fingerings, and multiphonics!
The section of the website I've sent you to leads more directly into the fingering guides due to it being a bit difficult to navigate at first, just make sure you know how to read and you'll be fine.
Edited 9 months ago
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The link doesn't seem to be working for me... that sucks!
You can just copy paste the URL straight into the text input, like so: https://www.wfg.woodwind.org/fing.html
You can also use the anchor link tag and put the url in the href
I love you Cicero.