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[–] DM_ME_YOUR_NUDES 4 points

2nd step is to move to another country and not pay it.

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[–] Anonymous f1b55731 2 points

jokes on you, my Dad's back got messed-up while in the army, so i get to go to college for free.

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[–] DM_ME_YOUR_NUDES 1 point


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[–] Anonymous f1b55731 1 point

lol, whut? what did it say?

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[–] LeScribe 1 point

Who was it?

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[–] DM_ME_YOUR_NUDES 1 point

ANGUSPOUNDER, that dweeb

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[–] DM_ME_YOUR_NUDES 2 points

jokes on you you have a messed up dad. My dad could beat up your dad because he has all his limbs

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[–] Anonymous f1b55731 1 point

my dad has got all of his limbs and he works out to deal with his back pain, so nuh-uh.

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