And I gotta say it's a really fun game. Granted I only played multiplayer for a couple of hours but I did have fun despite the fact that I got completely obliterated by veteran players. I really like the movement mechanics since they allow you to run on walls which makes the gameplay really faced paced. Using the grappling hook and the titans is also a lot of fun. It's currently 3€ on Steam right now so if you want to try it out go for it.

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iv never played it but my brother owns the game so sometimes I watch him play, he has about 100 hours on the game. I learned a bit about the game from him, he says is a high-skill game but it has a good learning curve so anyone who plays it for 20+ will be good enough. too bad the game got spit on by EA

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Unfortunately Apex Legends took all of the developer's attention away from it. Can't really blame them for it.

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I saw something about ea making another one

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I'm not getting my hopes up until it gets officially confirmed.

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PC or console

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I played it on PC.

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