Welcome anon to s/fitness FUAAAAARK!!!!
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2 years ago
tired of being weak? tired of chad always taking the girls, well anon welcome to fitness, if you need some advice about getting shredded ask away, if you want to post about your progress, go right ahead, if you want to give advice to the gymcels, go do it you chad, only rules being don't be a dick to fat or skinny beginners, and don't promote some shit supplement, you can say what you take, just don't promote it, and no promoting stem/steroid using
as zyzz once said, "we're all gonna make it brah Ψ" have fun
note: this can only happen if this site gets popular so guess were gonna wait a while
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do you want this to be a default sub? Meaning people get auto-subscribed when joining mainchan.
fuck it i'm doing it anyway. Also didn't mean to post as anon
>if you need some advice about getting shredded ask away
How can I get shredded?
Cool meme btw