The show was greenlit with a 5 season mandate. It'd be amazing if it being so horrible leads Amazon to cut their losses and bail on the remaining 3 season commitment on this awful show.
I watched the first episode of season 2 on Prime then hit "thumbs down" to remove it from my recommendations. I'm now one of the people who started but refused to finish the show, a damning metric in streaming that's the main reason shows get cancelled. I'm doing my part!
I mean, it sucks, so what do you expect? Worse than the Hobbit trilogy.
Greed driven corporate retards failed again, what a surprise.
The show was greenlit with a 5 season mandate. It'd be amazing if it being so horrible leads Amazon to cut their losses and bail on the remaining 3 season commitment on this awful show.
I watched the first episode of season 2 on Prime then hit "thumbs down" to remove it from my recommendations. I'm now one of the people who started but refused to finish the show, a damning metric in streaming that's the main reason shows get cancelled. I'm doing my part!