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[–] AnneBoonchy 2 points

abortion should be legal

in my opinion and also logic

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[–] Rastafoo 0 points

Stay on the hentai subs fam. When your first defense for a position is "I have logic" (implying others don't) ~ it only exposes you as a retard

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[–] Anonymous 71667baf 2 points

making abortion illegal doesn't stop abortions it just makes them more dangerous.

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[–] Rastafoo 1 point

The United States is highly radical in terms of abortion. The vast majority of nations across the globe have highly strict restrictions/bans. Get your western mind some sunlight.

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[–] AnneBoonchy 1 point

If yr only defence is that I'm a retard then maybe I'm right

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[–] Rastafoo 0 points

It wasn't. I didn't provide an actual defense since you didn't provide an actual argument lmaoooo

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[–] anonymous234 1 point

most abortions occur naturally in the first few weeks of pregnancy, so in my opinion abortion before a certain number of weeks of pregnancy is not necessarily wrong

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[–] Cicero 4 points

sounds like a grift to me

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[–] Gokturks_are_furries 4 points

>dumb celebrity says something dumb

next thing you'll tell me is that water is wet.

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