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[–] SorbianSwitzerland 1 point
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[–] freeBread 1 point

In other words "Water is wet".

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[–] SorbianSwitzerland 1 point

Big suprise.

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[–] Quack 1 point TRIPS GET

>be the guy in the thumbnail

>robbed many houses

>nearly beat a 14 year old kid to death

>go to jail

>girls see your photo and simp

>get multiple modeling contracts

>get treated like a god wherever you go

>be the average sub5 male

>decide to sit in table

>dont notice that a group of girls is nearby

>hear them whisper "hes soooo creepy wtf"

>get called pervert and creep all the time

>always get ignored

Im not saying that everyone is like this, but enough people are that it has a noticeable impact on how normies generally treat sub5 people.

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