By that mean I mean what do you like to cook and not just eat.

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[–] Anonymous 257244af 2 points

Last thing I really cook-cooked was a Genreal Tso beef and vegetable stir fry. When it's just a quick meal I'll do like tuna salad, a burger, sausages, basic stuff. Cereal is my go to no-cook meal (Great Grains Raisins, Dates & Pecans cereal with vanilla almond milk is awesomeness).

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[–] freeBread 1 point


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[–] ymous 2 points *

The 3-minute-cooking-time spaghetti. The less time I spend cooking, the more time I'll have to aimlessly scroll youtube.

Life is about making compromises. I knew I had to cut off my social life back when I decided to pursue the career of a full-time youtube addict. Unfortunately, I also have less time to cook anything now.

Sometimes I also cook sausages, rice or fry eggs.

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[–] freeBread 2 points

Your replies are always top-tier.

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[–] ymous 2 points

Thanks. Appreciate.

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[–] Anonymous f22da64f 2 points

I make sandwiches

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[–] anonymous234 2 points

ur mom

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[–] freeBread 1 point

How exactly do you cook her?

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