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Either we will merge with AI by becoming cyborgs or Homo sapiens will go extinct just like the Neanderthal

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There still will be jobs which won't be automated and people will be doing it.

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Anonymous aa459f6c

i think you've go it backwards. It's not that people of average intelligence are only capable of repetitive tasks, it's that there's a lot more repetitive tasks than any other kind, requiring most people to put aside whatever creativity or imagination they have aside in order to survive. if these jobs didn't exist or weren't necessary, than i'd imagine more people would be bl and willing to cultivate their creativity.

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The degeneracy and stupid behavior that is observed in modern normies is a consequence of most need being met by technology. Normies have nothing to do, causing boredom, and causing them to flock to weird movements and trends to alleviate it. I imagine that once every need and want is met, normies will go crazy.

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