For me that would be New Zealand. Its nature just seems incredible. I'd also like to travel to the US one day. Its natural parks look astonishing. I would also take a look at some of its cities of course but that would be more of a secondary objective to me, I guess. What are some of the places you would like to visit?

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I want to experince the great lakes since a very young age. I also got the idea from my mom to travel the whole length of the trans siberian railway. I am very happy where I am at, if I ever get the urge to travel, I just wait for summer time and visit family and realtivies living in the balkans. Mabye I should even try visting those I have in France some time. Otherwise as I stated earlier, I'm mostly glad with where I live and don't feel a great need to see the rest of the world.

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I'm mostly glad with where I live

That's nice, let's hope it stays that way.

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Every state in America. I don't care about anywhere else since America is the only country that matters. God, i love this country so much.

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America is the only country that matters.

I guess China is currently quite import too, I'd say. Thought I get what you're saying.

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I don't really have any specific places I would like to visit but I do hope that one day I'll get to experience a new country. Staying in the same place for too long gets boring eventually.

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So you want to move somewhere else?

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Yeah, in the future maybe. Not really planning to move, but just wanna see if living elsewhere would be better.

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