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JaqenHghar64 6 points

For posting it to google play (android) store, you'll have to pay $25 bucks to them.

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JaqenHghar64 4 points
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JaqenHghar64 4 points
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JaqenHghar64 5 points

>no more anon posting in incognito

>5 minute wait timer for posting thread

>1 minute wait timer for replying

And now the IP counter is removed

4chan is dying from within

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JaqenHghar64 3 points

I dislike online ones but offline ones like KeePass are good. While yes everything is in one file but it doesn't matter that much if file gets stolen because it's encrypted. And if it's encrypted well (which it usually is), cracking it will take millions or billions of years while you can change your passwords in a matter of minutes. Benefits are that you can have strong long passwords securely stored in one place that's pretty much impossible to crack unless someone finds out your database key.

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JaqenHghar64 3 points
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JaqenHghar64 3 points

Anarchy Chess is a variant of chess that introduces a high degree of chaos and unpredictability into the game. In this variant, the traditional rules of chess are modified to allow for more freedom and flexibility in gameplay.

In Anarchy Chess, players have the ability to make additional moves beyond their regular turn. This means that in a single turn, a player can make multiple moves with their pieces instead of just one. This allows for more strategic options and tactical opportunities, as players can take advantage of the increased mobility to launch surprising attacks or defend their positions more effectively.

Furthermore, Anarchy Chess introduces additional rules and elements that enhance the chaotic nature of the game. For example, players may have the ability to introduce new pieces onto the board during the game, such as extra pawns or even unique pieces with special abilities. There may also be modified rules regarding castling, pawn promotion, and capturing.

The objective of the game remains the same in Anarchy Chess, which is to checkmate the opponent's king. However, the increased mobility and additional rules add a layer of complexity and unpredictability, making it a highly dynamic and exciting variant of chess. It requires players to think on their feet, adapt quickly to changing circumstances, and come up with innovative strategies to outwit their opponents.

Anarchy Chess is often played for fun and as a way to inject more excitement into traditional chess gameplay. It offers a unique and thrilling experience, allowing players to explore new possibilities and push the boundaries of their strategic thinking.

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JaqenHghar64 3 points
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JaqenHghar64 3 points
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JaqenHghar64 4 points
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JaqenHghar64 3 points

Not really. I simply have no interest in making any significant friendships or relationships with other people in general, not just women (and I'm better off alone anyway). If I wanted sex, I could easily afford a good hooker or something like that.

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JaqenHghar64 3 points

lol whata scam, no wonder Apple's moving to india

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JaqenHghar64 3 points

wtf it's true

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JaqenHghar64 4 points
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JaqenHghar64 3 points

Is it worth torrenting then?

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JaqenHghar64 3 points

Reading a book only takes around 10-20 hours.

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JaqenHghar64 2 points


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JaqenHghar64 2 points

good post

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JaqenHghar64 2 points
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JaqenHghar64 2 points

sounds like ngmi

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JaqenHghar64 2 points *

mainchan image compression fucks it up.. here's the link to the original: https://mega.nz/file/M0sWjDbB#VYtUs1su_7hCa2m65XoZtJVcfO6jhujlFdzC5UV7RPw (you have to wait a few secs for it to properly load)

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JaqenHghar64 2 points


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JaqenHghar64 2 points

quite a few

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JaqenHghar64 2 points

Last time I properly played Minecraft was in 2014.

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JaqenHghar64 2 points

What announcement?

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