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Gaystation 2 points *

I was clarifying what you meant by boyfriend but ok just be an asshole about it. Don't be a little shit.

The only rule on this sub is "be kind".

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Gaystation 2 points
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Gaystation 1 point

why does it say, democrat politician? what does his former career have to do with anything?

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Gaystation 1 point

wife's boyfriend?

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Gaystation 1 point

only time sequels were worth it

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Gaystation 1 point

You look like a marvel anti-hero

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Gaystation 1 point

Cicero half face reveal!

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Gaystation 2 points

That one guy with 1500 accounts

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Gaystation 1 point
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Gaystation 1 point
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Gaystation 1 point *

I steal stuff all the time, everyone knows about it but no one can do anything about.

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Gaystation 1 point *

I had an argument with uwu about weather USA or europe would win in a war. I was banned for being racist towards Americans, I was not racist.

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Gaystation 1 point

I have been on mainchan for over a year, I have a secret account, I am well like in the community and no one know it's me.

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Gaystation 2 points

This is ridiculous

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Gaystation 1 point

Mainchan drama :0.

don't dis our boy cic.

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Gaystation 3 points

They can't see us

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Gaystation 1 point

No silly, it's not Lego pride it's the lego bricklayer from the 2001 lego Island game, you need to get up to date on Lego Island lore.

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Gaystation 2 points

I remember an old couple once asked me to take photos of them on their phone, I held down the photo burst and took selfies

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Gaystation 3 points

I'm still at school

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Gaystation 3 points

I have been summoned

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Gaystation 2 points

I'd rather folding cheeks

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Gaystation 1 point

I will make the earth fall, I will pull it out of orbit. The world will go dark, power will go out, internet will be down, the world will decend into anarchy. The world will beg for my mercy, I will watch the world burn.

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Gaystation 2 points

Who do you know

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Gaystation 2 points

Anyone who says no is a retarded, you should not have to pay to have a proper education!

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Gaystation 4 points

/s/cats is best subchannel

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