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Lagtrain (English Cover) (youtube.com)
s/music · Posted by mrawesome 1 year ago
mrawesome 1 point

A French mom wanting to fuck me

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mrawesome 1 point

where is this thread

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mrawesome 1 point


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mrawesome 3 points

I honestly believe that if you subscribe to either of the two main American political parties, a lot of the time you aren't really thinking too hard about what you actually believe or you are a 1 issue voter, which is the worst type of voter IMHO.

I personally have a variety of beliefs and as such, I would consider myself an independent but not necessarily a centrist. I will vote for whoever I think will make place I am a better place to live.

I would also argue however, that due to the enormous size of the USA and the huge variety of political beliefs that compromise is generally better than absolutism.

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mrawesome 2 points


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mrawesome 1 point

For applying to universities or applying to jobs? For university, it's usually good grades. For jobs it's usually experience and the piece of paper saying you went to university.

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mrawesome 1 point

I don't wanna think about it

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mrawesome 1 point

I can tell you that sometimes, being boring is the best life. Reading a book, watching an exciting show/movie/anime or playing a game is fun because you aren't the main character, just a bystander experiencing a story.

Actually having to live through 'exciting' moments in life is often not nearly as rosy as its portrayed and sometimes would be an absolute nightmare.

As they say 'ignorance is bliss'.

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mrawesome 3 points

what was your previous job

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mrawesome 1 point

I love this guy lol

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mrawesome 4 points

I could've guessed that lol

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mrawesome 0 points

what uni

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mrawesome 2 points

if a god does exist I guarantee no one on earth has any idea how they function

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mrawesome 1 point TRIPS GET

my first ever job I got canned from a brand new sandwich shop cause I made the sandwich too slow and 'the recession'. My whole family was super pissed and rumor spread that no one should go there. The place went out of business a year or so later so I had the last laugh. Bad business' practices will always come back to bite them in the but sooner or later.

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mrawesome 2 points

prove it

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Swallowed by Anime (youtube.com)
s/videos · Posted by mrawesome 1 year ago
mrawesome 1 point

chill song.

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mrawesome 1 point

nice. Mine are black, so this works. You know, one of the first songs I listened to with these is "Stop Waiting" by cigarettes after sex if you've ever heard of them

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mrawesome 2 points

After hearing these, I do have to question why so many spend just as much if not more on shitter headphones. I guess they aren't wireless, but damn, they are magical

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mrawesome 5 points

Ignoring them. There will always be people who judge you. The most freeing thing is to realize that they are just as pathetic as yourself when you think about the grand scheme of things. It may be hard in the moment but trust me. A mindset which is independent of what others think sets you free vs one that is dependent on others.

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