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mrawesome 1 point

More than anything else, if they don't backtrack, firefox will return with a vengence

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mrawesome 3 points

damn, I respect the dedication

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mrawesome 1 point


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mrawesome 1 point

coding challenge, for every multiple of 3 print out bum, for every multiple of 5 print out buzzle, for every multiple of 3 and 5 print out bumfuzzle

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mrawesome 1 point

Sometimes I think I would agree but then I get out of the store 10 minutes faster.

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mrawesome 1 point

not terrible, how was yours?

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mrawesome 1 point


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mrawesome 1 point

I'm not yet convinced.

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mrawesome 1 point

are you sure?

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mrawesome 1 point

"what does php stand for? POWER"

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mrawesome 1 point


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mrawesome 1 point

You see, the text on the side of the headphones made me think it might had been AI. I was actually looking to see if I could find other tell tale signs of being AI generated. It's impressive how good it has gotten.

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mrawesome 1 point

Also, this is such a legendary pepe picture, I set it as my profile pic. You do art or something?

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mrawesome 1 point

so would i

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mrawesome 4 points

Sounds a bit like highschool right? Honestly, highschool for me also sucked generally. It's tough while you are going through it but I promise it's temporary. Find something you like after school. For me it was video games and computers. Also try to avoid terrible people when you can and try to find some that are like yourself. They exist, I guarantee it.

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mrawesome 5 points

Ignoring them. There will always be people who judge you. The most freeing thing is to realize that they are just as pathetic as yourself when you think about the grand scheme of things. It may be hard in the moment but trust me. A mindset which is independent of what others think sets you free vs one that is dependent on others.

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mrawesome 2 points

After hearing these, I do have to question why so many spend just as much if not more on shitter headphones. I guess they aren't wireless, but damn, they are magical

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mrawesome 1 point

nice. Mine are black, so this works. You know, one of the first songs I listened to with these is "Stop Waiting" by cigarettes after sex if you've ever heard of them

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mrawesome 1 point

chill song.

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mrawesome 2 points

prove it

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mrawesome 1 point TRIPS GET

my first ever job I got canned from a brand new sandwich shop cause I made the sandwich too slow and 'the recession'. My whole family was super pissed and rumor spread that no one should go there. The place went out of business a year or so later so I had the last laugh. Bad business' practices will always come back to bite them in the but sooner or later.

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mrawesome 2 points

if a god does exist I guarantee no one on earth has any idea how they function

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mrawesome 0 points

what uni

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mrawesome 4 points

I could've guessed that lol

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mrawesome 1 point

I love this guy lol

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