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freeBread 1 point
I personally like Apple over iOS

You mean Apple over Android?

Thanks for the response by the way!

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freeBread 1 point
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- YouTube (
s/music · Posted by freeBread 2 months ago
freeBread 2 points

Nice one! I actually just found this channel with translated clips of her talking about art. I know what I will be watching tonight.

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freeBread 2 points

I completely forgot she used to smoke. That puts things in a different perspective.

Too bad that there aren't more translated Raden's clips floating around. She seems like a really fun person to watch but I don't understand Japanese.

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freeBread 1 point

I see you got a problem.

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freeBread 1 point


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It's an anime meme, Batman (
s/videos · Posted by freeBread 2 months ago
freeBread 2 points

I just tried it out. Seems to work alright.

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freeBread 1 point

I only have family photos there.

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freeBread 1 point

I have no idea what to post besides the music I've been listening to but I'm pretty sure no one wants to hear hipster garbage I like.

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freeBread 1 point

I'm trying.

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freeBread 1 point

Thank you!

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freeBread 3 points

What a shame. I guess we are not gonna be rich after all.

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freeBread 2 points

Can't wait!

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freeBread 4 points *

First of all what should the name be?

Edit: We could just use LLMs to do all of this for us. We are a tech startup after all. How could I forget.

Here's the response our LLM gave us:

Company & App Name

Company Name: HoloSphere Labs

"Holo" represents the mixed-reality aspect.

"Sphere" symbolizes an all-encompassing experience (finance, social, personal management).

"Labs" conveys innovation and tech-forward thinking, ideal for blockchain, AI, and investment solutions.

App Name: Futurus

Tagline: Invest in your future, connect in the present.

  • "Futurus" implies futuristic, forward-thinking solutions.
  • It covers finance, social connections, and personal management.
  • It's catchy, easy to remember, and aligns with the high-tech nature of the app.

And here's the logo it designed! It's a bit blurry but it's not like the end users will notice it on their tiny phones.

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