

1422 Karma

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anonymous 2 points
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anonymous 2 points

Very talented pawnist

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anonymous 2 points

>Are you saying that this is why you joined this subchannel


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anonymous 2 points

This is the way :D

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anonymous 2 points

People use password managers for convenience, some great, and open source ones like KeePass, Keepassxc, Bitwarden, are safe to use.

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anonymous 2 points

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anonymous 2 points

Overall, I'm rooting for Spain. For this match, I'm rooting for France because their playstyle is more entertaining.

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anonymous 2 points

LLC you will get best of both worlds, limited liability and avoid double taxation.

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anonymous 2 points

Better use an offline PWM like keePass and KeePassXC

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anonymous 2 points

Merry Christmas, Cicero!

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anonymous 2 points *

It has the potential to replace reddit and 4chan, just needs more marketing.

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anonymous 2 points

Depends on where you live it's jan 1st in Australia and Japan

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anonymous 2 points

Works on my Machine :D

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anonymous 2 points

It's shame that Lenovo destroyed what was once considered the gold standard of business laptop.

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anonymous 2 points

Welcome back!

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anonymous 2 points

Yeah, I'm dual booting and the only time I use windows is when I need to use Adobe products

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